Thursday, September 24, 2009

Kyra's 4th grade Junior Troop feeds the homeless.

The 4th grade Junior girl scouts in Troop 884 participated in feeding the homeless for their Journey project. The girls enjoyed handing out the hot dogs, chips, fruit, snack, and bottle waters to each individual who came. They also went around as people enjoyed their food to sing or pass out a "S.W.A.P" created just for them. The girls learned that everyone was unique and had a different story. They learned that their S.W.A.P. was useful as well as one man said he really needed the safety pin! We even noticed that they were slipping on their fingers the "rings" of gold and silver from the S.W.A.P! The girls were touched and asked to participate on a regular basis. They also noticed the need for backpacks because a lot of people used plastic bags to hold their personal belongings. They decided to put together backpacks with toiletries and clothing. During the girls Journey project they "Discovered" a need- the backpacks. They are "Connecting" with the community and local businesses by collecting donations. They are "Taking Action" by collecting and distributing the needed backpacks.

We closed our day with a circle where everyone held hands. The girls sang “Make New Friends” as each one went home with several new friends that day.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Visit to Juliette Gordon Low Birthplace

What a wonderful time Kyra and I had visiting the Juliette Gordon Low Birthplace! It is located in Savannah, GA.
Michael was kind enough to drop us off to tour the home while he and Kyle chilled out in the car.

For those that don't know about Juliette Gordon Low, she is the founder of Girl Scouts. It is a privilege for girls to tour the home. There are troops that spend years fund raising to be able to take a week trip and participate in activities that they provide. They won't let you take pictures inside but a lady on the street snapped this of us when we came out. Do you like the police car in the background? The gardens on the property are beautiful. Kyra took some lovely shots.